person writing on white paper
Última fecha de pago:
Fecha de inicio:
Fecha de finalización:
Sábado de 8:00 a 12:00 horas
No. de sesiones:
Q. 900.00


According to the latest survey, 80% of managers believe strategic brand management is the most important factor in overall company growth. Bu what is STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT? Brand management is a management function that involves developing a company that focuses on offering products and services that resonate with consumers. In other words, brand management is about developing – and managing – the perception in consumers’ minds that your product/service/company is better than a similar – competitive – product/service/company.



Target audience

This intensive executive training course is a highly interactive seminar/workshop designed for marketers, managers, lawyers, executives, strategists, business owners, team leaders, product managers, brand strategists, management consultants, entrepreneurs, and individuals who want to grow their management knowledge and skills fast – and understand the intricacies of business management in the XXI century.

Course description

According to the latest survey, 80% of managers believe strategic brand management is the most important factor in overall company growth. Bu what is STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT? Brand management is a management function that involves developing a company that focuses on offering products and services that resonate with consumers. In other words, brand management is about developing – and managing – the perception in consumers’ minds that your product/service/company is better than a similar – competitive – product/service/company. Brand management – when practiced correctly – provides the following benefits to a brand owner:

  • Significant costs leverage
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Increased brand recognition
  • Positive word of mouth
  • Higher advertising effectiveness on customers
  • Lower price sensitivity
  • Increased morale and more engaged employees who are proud to work for a brand

95% of managers want brand awareness to be a priority.

Brand management is a long and complex process. But, in the hypercompetitive business world only strong brands can attract consumers, and, in the process, assure profitability and success. The world’s most profitable companies are the most profitable – and the most successful – because they are dedicated to managing – and legally protecting – their brand assets at all times.

Why is brand management important?
There are several key reasons why brand management is a critical – and vital – part of strategic business management at every organization, regardless of size and geographical location. By building – and communicating – a consistent brand identity, organizations are able to reach consumers who are more prone to become loyal towards brands. Brand loyalty is the most important source of economic prosperity for companies. It has been discovered that 20% of loyal customers bring in 80% of sales.

Strategic brand management involves legally protecting brand assets. Whether trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or otherwise, intellectual property (IP) brand portfolio must be diligently protected, safeguarded, and nurtured. A brand is the collection of elements, both tangible and intangible, that collectively constitute the entire organization and its offerings. Tangible brand elements include: brand names, logos and symbols, jingles and other branded sounds/music, color palettes, advertising and other brand messaging, overall brand aesthetics.

Intangible brand elements include: brand strategies, values (the philosophy behind a brand), mental associations (when you think of brand in the automotive industry, what mental associations come to your mind? Mercedes Benz is… MBW is…Volkswagen is…Lexus is…These mental associations are not accidental – they have been deliberately and carefully developed and curated by brand strategist and IP lawyers), voice and tone (distinctive personalities), and emotional connections with consumers (why would people camp out and line up to get Apple latest iPhone?).

How does IP add value to a brand?
It is well recognized that a brand is one of the most important business assets. IP, on the other hand, plays a critical role in protecting, commercializing, and maintaining these brand assets. Many managers understand that products and services should be protected by patents and/or copyrights. But managers should also focus on protecting other brand elements, such as taglines, logos, brand names, jingles (and other branded sounds), color palettes. IP protection allows you to hold the rights to each and every brand element and ideas that constitute an integral element of your brand. Ultimately, this means that these elements are of exclusive ownership, and cannot be copied or misused by your competitors.

Discussion topics:

  1. Part 1: Brands: Management Perspective – 2 hours (in English)
    • Why your brand is the most important asset of your company
    • Brand components: what they are and why they matter in business
    • Developing brand strategy
    • Managing brand assets
  2. Part 2: Brands: Legal Perspective – 2 hours (in Spanish)
    • What can be protected as a trademark?
    • How can I protect a trademark nationally and internationally?
    • What is the benefit of protecting a trademark?
    • What should be considered after protecting a trademark?


In person class.

Diploma and digital badge

The final grade is satisfactory or unsatisfactory, depending on the completion of the activities and 80% attendance during the program. To receive your badge and diploma, it is also necessary that you answer the satisfaction survey sent via email before the end date.
The diploma that is issued digitally and is accompanied by a badge. Both the diploma and the badges are protected by the Blockchain system and can be shared electronically through different means: email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. Digital badges are a non-transferable, long-lasting recognition that allows you to save your achievements electronically, avoiding losing the document or its deterioration.


Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas (Las Vegas, USA) is an international expert on brand management, strategic thinking, and consumer behavior. He has consulted for and worked with many business and government organizations, including MGM Grand Las Vegas, Wynn Las Vegas, The Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh, Goodwill Industries International, Aldec, White Square Gallery, Ing Group, Rdg Advertising, Keane Creative, Nevada Governor’s Office Of Economic Development/International Trade And Diplomatic Protocol, Consulate General Of The Republic Of Poland In Los Angeles.

He has been a visiting professor at various universities around the world, including Belize,
Guatemala, Poland, Latvia, Portugal, USA, Slovakia, Argentina, Hungary, UK, Aruba. He has also lectured at the prestigious Craft Acting Studio co-founded by the actor and Emmy Award-Winner Brad Garrett. He is currently a professor at the University Of Information Technology And Management School of Management (Poland) where he is teaching his original content course called STRATEGIC THINKING AND DISRUPTIVE BUSINESS MODELS in the Executive MBA Program. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Markets and Organizations at the West Pomeranian Business School.

He is also the author of the seminar paper on the dynamic interplay of innovation, business competition, and consumer behavior.

Registration process

Carry out the registration and payment process with a credit or debit card through this portal.

  1. Click the Enroll in Course/Inscribirse al curso button below.
  2. Complete registration form.
  3. Pay by credit or debit card.


The information of the curse will be sent via email, the day before the start.
We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule academic activities that do not meet the minimum number of participants, making a refund of the investment by check which takes approximately 30 days.
Once the course is confirmed, no refund will be made.

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